I was having a lot of trouble with depression and began having problems with fear when I was driving. I mentioned this to Bobbie, she said "you need to come see me" I drive a lot for work and was really at wits end. I had no idea what Kinesiology was - but at this point it was worth a try, since I was not comfortable taking the prescribed Xaanax before I drove! After 1 visit it was like a huge weight had been lifted. I started to feel better about me, the depression became an occasional few moments of feeling sad and the fears that had been so overwhelming where gone! I am hooked! I feel Great!.
~ Peggy
Trying to tell you about my experience with Bobbie are beyond words because every person is different and unique in their own personality, make-up and form. All I can tell you is that I came in very skeptical about muscle testing. It involved asking my body questions and getting answers through pressing on my arm. How strange was that! As she went through the process she asked my body questions in a specific manner and had me place my hands and/or finger on specific pressure points, and as we came to a conclusion she gave me information that she would have never known about me. I was amazed by her professionalism, gentleness and compassion as well as being a kind and caring person. With all the professional avenues of help and advice that I have traveled in my life, this experience "put everything together" almost as if it was the "missing puzzle piece" that I have been searching for to "complete me". I would highly recommend this experience to you. It is thought provoking - surprising and overwhelming at times. It provides healing emotionally, mentally and physically and a special time just for me. Open your mind, look outside of the box and enjoy the experience. You will!
~ Shari, St Joseph, MN
My first experience with Kinesiology was with Bobbie. I am very impressed with her skill as a healer. I had positive results after my first session and have scheduled another session with her to continue the healing process. Thank you Bobbie for your commitment to bring wellness into the world.
~ Phyllis
An abbreviated verson of Trent’s Story:
At 5 years old the daycare started saying they could not handle his behavior. In kindergarten things worsened and the teacher said he was a happy boy but the behaviors began to grow out of control.
We took him to a DR who immediately diagnosed him with ADHD and recommended medications. I did not want to do medications but the Dr said they were fine to use, so we started him on meds. The side effects started immediately from stomach aches to stunted growth. By the 3rd grade I had decided to stop the medications. I was concerned about the side effects. As a nurse I did some research on ADHD and found it often times has to do with the foods we eat and processed sugars. We decided to look for alternatives to medications
I met Bobbie at a health fair. She told me how Kinesiology work could help Trent. I won a gift from her drawing and went to talk to her. I realized she could help Trent and brought him in for testing. He needed specific essential oils with specific application times and places. He also needed to address dietary concerns, food allergies and more. We started with the oils and when his meds came due for refill we stopped the use of the meds. Within 2 weeks we started to notice a difference. He started feeling better, eating more and his behaviors became increasingly better. The teacher commented on his improved behavior and asked about the meds and we informed her that he was only using the essential oils at this time. We still need to address the nutrition and allergies but are so happy about the changes in Trent and his behaviors.
I cannot than Bobbie enough for the help she gave my family.
Kim Nistler, RN and mother of 2
I wanted to express my love for the time I spent with Bobbie. I thought maybe it was a little goofy, but it would be fun to see what happens. She told me my body was reacting bad to sugar, and I did already know it, but I was surprised to hear it. I had an addiction to pop. I always said I was going to quit pop tomorrow, but tomorrow never came until I sent through the procedure with Bobbie. Now I have not had pop for close to a year. I love what she has done for me.
Thank you Bobbie
Bobbie and I found each other through Unity Spiritual Center. With very few words exchanged, Bobbie stated confidently, “I can help you”. I hadn’t told her that I have bi-polar disorder, major depression and had recently spent nearly 3 years catatonically depressed. That I have an anxiety disorder and panic disorder. That I was living in pain. But she said she could help me. The holidays were a very difficult time for me and out of pure desperation, I left her a message pleading for relief. I wasn’t quite sure what she could do, but I was willing to try anything. I have had 2 sessions with Bobbie since I made that phone call. It is very difficult to describe the work she has done with me, it is so powerful She is helping me identify and release the “ick” I have been carrying around. I feel as though I am actually healing. That my 2 sessions with Bobbie have been more beneficial than 8+ years of counseling I have received. I feel lighter, happier. I worry less. I am getting things done and enjoying my life more often. It is extremely difficult to describe how these healing session with Bobbie have affected me. I am so grateful to have found her!
Julie, MS
We started seeing Bobbie about 2 years ago with our 10 year old daughter who was having recurrent pneumonias. Bobbie was able to pinpoint which foods she should avoid to achieve optimal health and also recommend supplements and essential oils to support her respiratory and immune systems. Her overall health has greatly improved and we are making fewer trips to the ER. Bobbie is professional, listens to our needs and we have greatly benefited from her many gifts.
I visited Bobbie when I felt highly stressed wit nowhere to turn and the results she gave me were amazing. I left her studio feeling relaxed, re-energized and ready to approach the stresses of everyday life once again. If you are a bit skeptical, take a chance, you will not regret it.
I would highly recommend her services.
~ Raquel G.
Bobbie lives what she believes and is very authentic.
Bobbie Rice is such a wonderful person and such a great healer. She has extraordinary gifts
I have been seeing Bobbie Rice for about a year not- and I am so excited about my healing thus far. I have finally let go of crap from decades ago and know I have a long way to go yet, but I am now on track finally!
Thank you Bobbie!
My children and I first went to Bobbie with Sacred Elements in an effort to get some answers for my son. We had been living in the San Joaquin Valley of CA and were very concerned about some environmental exposures- particularly heavy metals. Traditional medical testing performed by our pediatrician confirmed some food intolerances we suspected, but did not answer all of our questions with regard to our son’s health. Bobbie not only confirmed some of our son’s food intolerances that were found in his blood work, but she picked up some additional sensitivities for which we/our pediatrician did not test. She performed a non-invasive test to identify the presence of some heavy metals. She found that our son was deficient in Magnesium as well. Previously, he would wake up crying because of cramps in his legs.
We had Bobbie look at our daughter knowing she most likely had some food intolerances/sensitivities as well. We have always eaten healthy and fairly clean. That said, my 7 year old daughter struggled with becoming easily frustrated. She would have a couple tantrums a week. She would become aggressive and even kicked a hole in her door at one point. Seeing her this way was heartbreaking and we were ready to seek the help of a therapist. When we made the changes Bobbie suggested to our daughters diet and environment her tantrums went away in 2 weeks. After 2 months, hyperactivity in the evening diminished. Her teacher commented on how much more calm and focused she seemed in the classroom. She is able now to manage her frustration and our sweet, sensitive, compassionate little girl shines through today.
Bobbie provided clear guidance on steps to take to improve our health through supplements/diet and correcting environmental disturbances through GeoBiology. Through her Kinesiology testing and intuitive gifts she helped us learn what was right for each of our bodies. She was the “key” in helping us put the pieces together. As with any key though, it was up to us to turn it and walk through the door to better health.